Before a person gets the nod for home isolation, a health team, comprising anganwadi and ASHA (Accredited social health activist) workers, under the supervision of a public health facility in-charge assesses the facility. Apart from a separate room, bathroom and utensils for the patient, a 24×7 caregiver is required. Both patient and caregiver are required to wear triple-layered medical masks so that the latter is not exposed to coronavirus.
A communication link is established between the caregiver and the hospital. The patient has to give an undertaking to the government that he or she will maintain strict self-isolation at all times for the prescribed period, monitor his or her own and others’ health and interact with the assigned health officials.
The government has established a surveillance mechanism for daily monitoring of the patient. Each person is called up daily and a WhatsApp group has been created with the surveillance team, doctors and patient as members.